Calculate alveolar dead space
Calculate alveolar dead space

However, the respiratory muscles may have significant tone at the FRC, and in certain circumstances, the FRC may be greater than or even less than the lung volume of the totally relaxed respiratory system. Predicts the effects of changes in pulmonary mechanics on the closing volume.Defines the closing volume and explains how it can be demonstrated.Predicts the effects of changes in lung volume, aging, and disease processes on the regional distribution of alveolar ventilation.Describes the regional differences in alveolar ventilation found in the normal lung and explains these differences.Predicts the effects of alterations of alveolar ventilation on alveolar carbon dioxide and oxygen levels.

calculate alveolar dead space

  • Defines physiologic and alveolar dead space and understands their determination.
  • Understands the measurement of the anatomic dead space and the determination of alveolar ventilation.
  • Defines anatomic dead space and relates the anatomic dead space and the tidal volume to alveolar ventilation.
  • Predicts the effects of alterations in lung and chest wall mechanics, due to normal or pathologic processes, on the lung volumes.
  • calculate alveolar dead space

    Defines the standard lung volumes and understands their measurement.

    Calculate alveolar dead space